BED BUGS - Killing and Control

A new, exciting, EPA approved fabric treatment is now being offered by a Spartanburg, SC based finishing plant. Home Fabric Finishing, Inc. (HFF), with partners David Freeman, Ron Barts, and D.D. Ott, is offering a fabric treatment called Go-Away™.


Since 1996, Home Fabric Finishing has been a leading supplier for the home, commercial, and industrial markets offering various types of coatings and finishes.   Their adoption of Go-Away™ Fabric Treatment is just another example of their innovative finishing capabilities. 


According to David Freeman, President, their current concentration is bedding fabrics;  mattress ticking and box spring fabrics being the primary targets.  Applied directly to the fabrics, Go-Away™ allows the mattress manufacturer to incorporate Go-Away™ fabric treatment into their existing mattress lines without having to change their production methods in regards to the handling and the construction of their products.  


Go-Away™ fabric treatments applied at HFF’s 200,000 sqft plants can also be used on drapery fabrics and upholstery fabrics.  Go-Away™ treated fabrics have no odor.   They have been used in apparel applications and military clothing for many years to control flying and crawling insects.  Go-Away™ has now proven itself to be a highly effective finish in killing bed bugs that remain in contact with the treated fabric for at least 24 hours.   


For further information, please contact Home Fabric Furnishings at (864) 598-5244.


* Go-Away™ is a registered trademark of Starensier, Inc.  (EPA registration number 80203-2).